Friday, November 26, 2010


On this yet another rainy awesome day, I cling tightly to 2 thoughts. I wish the dry season would never come. Yet I emphasize with ye who has to get to the office in this pour... Freakin' awesome pour ainn'it. smiley. I'm not exempt. I have a 'no time' drop off on Rosalino Street - note: the 'no time' is a trump card. I part, as I came to, with two motivational pieces... if indeed one is prone to being motivated by quotes.

'The notion that we must keep everlastingly active to justify our existence is not a deep one. Much of what we do has no real value - Paul Brunton'

'Idleness does not consist in doing nothing, but in doing a great deal not recognized as industry in the dogmatic formularies of the ruling class. Robert Louis Stevenson'

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Mouth of Babes

Hung out with the niece this weekend, she's still puzzled that I quit. I know it's because she's got no fun offices to storm anymore. But the fact that she continually frets about it, makes me feel oddly loved and cared for, so I happily indulge. The conversation takes variations of:

I don't understand why you keep quitting. How will you get money?
How do you get money?
From you, and mom and dad sometimes.
See you don't work and you get money, I'll just try that.
But you need lots.
No I don't.
If you get a little bit then I cant get from that... can I?
See, that won't work. Get a job
I'll think about it.
What do you like to do...

And we go through her suggestions. Nice mature car conversation.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Some truths

Two months ago, I quit my last job, after 8 months, 3 longer than I intended. Editor in Chief. Sounds impressive right? Freebies, that's all it was, lots and lots of freebie-ing, now I'm left baffled when they expect me to pay to enter events... what? why? no.

In the 2 months, I have yet to 'make my salary' but, really, I was overpaid, just like the early years at TSTT, and had to find frivolous needs to squander it away on so perhaps these lessons against conspicuous consumption could be good for my moral development, or at least spurn the beginning of one. could be. But I do miss jay walking through the malls making random purchases. I do I miss that.

wandered across this

When so wholesomely written it's hard to trivialize, no fun. While most of this stands for Joe Jane and Tranny Public, guess who has a trump card? I have a fascinating lack of interest in money. The bills somehow always pay themselves. Now, this is no advice to go quitting your job on. You have to really, really believe in fairies and the magic for it to work...

As threatened... it'll be sorted out

This blog is set to marginalize those mixed feelings of yours. Your hatred of your boss, though you, a god fearing christian or whatnot, hate not any other being as intensely.
Your unwarranted hatred of innocent Monday mornings.

That questioning in the pit of your stomach when you're sent to 'lunch' at 11:45 and demanded back in one hour when you
are neither hungry nor wish to be ordered about. the doubt that's steadily crept it, from form 6 to year one, and seemed set in Final year
with the first semester of Comm Skills when you realized, You, Ms University Graduate would have to clock in at 8 and be at it longer than the regular 8hours staff line up because, well you're a university graduate after all and people look up to you. Congrats if you did in fact choose to study something you love doing. Life's bound to be a trip.

The rest of you, and me, us, well, we go sort it out